
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Early Morning Thoughts

Wassup World
On da way 2 do errands always try nd handle business b4 everything else
I sent da beats 2 my niggas 4 features
Hopefully I can get in the booth starting next week
Dat'll make things easier wit doin music
So they can get the feel I'm goin 4

My babymamma said Harlem mad at me 4 being late 2 get him lol
He'll b aight

I didn't end up doin everythin I planned on
I think I'ma quit smokin 4 awhile
2 save money
Nd get more focused
Or at least only do it on my off days

I'm gonna get dis book 2 help betta myself
I've been readin all of Robert Greens books
Nd I'm gettin the 33 Strategies of War again
I aint finish readin it so I'm buyin it now
Its a pretty good book
Taught me a lot fast

Thus time I'ma really put it 2 work
That nd his other 2 books
I'ma b a beast wit dese words nd mind games

Anyways I'm done
Finna go read

Joe Cool
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry