
Friday, July 10, 2009

Back To Training

Wassup World
Man I'm really fallin behind in my music
i gotta start back writing again
den i gotta record nd get focused
i cant find a booth really professional
nd focused either
cant blame dem
I'm finna give myself a deadline wit it
I've not really been focused lately which is finna stop
im finna get back on my shit
i started a new blog dedicated entirely
2 my writing
nd anyone i colaborate wit
2 cool

i think im finna relaese
The Composition Notebook
in aug
yea really dis time
ima release 3 parts of it also
all the things i talk about
i guess that'll b my intro into the game
The Saiyan vs Sonic Chronicals
The Heartbreak Hotel
september (maybe october)
Wen i start recording ima post TCN tracklist
i've been real self conscience about my music
not really knowin i people will like it
I'll neva kno til i try rite

I need 2 find some producers
willing to hit The Hyperbolic Time Chamber
wit me (no homo)
so we can emerge out wit music

Joe Cool

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